
August 22, 2013

The healing power of coconut kefir

Thursday, August 22, 2013 by: Derek Henry
Tags: coconut kefirhealth benefitsfermented beverages

Learn more: There was nothing sexy about probiotic beverages until the last few years during which kombucha has risen up and claimed to be the king of all 'probiotic pops'. The kombucha craze has created a new awareness for fermented drinks, but the title for the most healing and beneficial probiotic beverage could quite possibly belong to coconut kefir. It's time to take a closer look into this not so well known body elixir.

What is coconut kefir?

Coconut kefir is quite simply fermented coconut water. Typically, fermented drinks are recognized as dairy (milk kefir) and tea (kombucha) beverages, and not as much recognition has been given to coconut kefir. This may prove to be a mistake, due to the fact that coconut kefir eliminates the often problematic ingredients of dairy and certain teas for some people's digestive systems while still allowing you to take in a highly beneficial probiotic beverage.

What are the benefits of coconut kefir?

The benefits of coconut kefir are comprehensive, but, from a high level view, this probiotic beverage is very healing to the digestive system and the liver and creates a strong immune system that is ultimately responsible for your good health.

In your digestive system, coconut kefir will enhance hydration and recolonize your gut and mucous membranes with healthy strains of beneficial microflora. Coconut kefir is superior, as it promotes a wide variety of microflora and has been said to have a much more potent effect on the digestive system than any yogurt.

Kefir also contains beneficial yeasts that are known to hunt out and destroy pathogenic yeasts in the body. These beneficial yeasts are considered the best defense against dangerous yeast organisms like candida. They clean, purify and strengthen the intestinal walls and help the body become more efficient in resisting dangerous pathogens such as E. Coli, salmonella and intestinal parasites.

Since we have ten times more bacteria in our body than cells, creating an optimal environment for bacterial balance is paramount. Poor bacterial balance can cause blood sugar imbalances, sugar cravings, weight gain, poor immunity, low energy and digestive disturbances. Kefir helps heal all of these problems by restoring balance to the microflora of the body. It also helps assimilate nutrients in the gut and enhance the usage of certain trace minerals and B vitamins.

Kefir's excellent nutritional content offers healing and health benefits to people regardless of condition. The regular use of it can help relieve intestinal disorders, promote bowel movement, cleanse the endocrine system, reduce flatulence and create a healthier digestive system.

How do you work it into your daily routine?

The simplest ways to consume coconut kefir is through a shot or added to your smoothie first thing in the morning. You can also add it to other beverages, like unsweetened cranberry juice, and add a touch of stevia to sweeten if you wish. This creates a nice 1-2 combo for your liver and kidneys.

If you are new to coconut kefir, 2 to 4 ounces a day is a good start. Some people take it first thing in the morning to wake themselves and their digestive systems up and before bed when the friendly bacteria often do their best work. Others drink it before each meal for optimal digestion. There is really no bad time to take it, but the benefits will be enhanced for you if taken during one of these times -- or all of them!

So go ahead and craft your kefir (there are many recipes online), and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is passionate about helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 5 years, Derek has spent over 2500 hours (and growing) studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to help people overcome their own health challenges. 

Derek is currently a Master Health Coach and writer of over 200 natural health articles, some of which are featured at his primary website, Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness protocols, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete overhauls.

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