
August 22, 2013

Amazing Health Benefits of Young Coconut Kefir

Let Us Introduce You: Meet Young Coconut Kefir.

As you start to navigate this new arena of healthy, organic eating, you will continually hear us mention new foods and drinks that you probably have never heard of before. For example, today we are going to discuss the amazing health ben­e­fits of young coconut kefir and why you should be drink­ing it. It is prob­a­ble that many of you do not know what young coconut kefir is. In fact, you’re prob­a­bly ask­ing your­self, “What the heck is young coconut kefir?!?” Well don’t worry. We’re going to fill you in on what young coconut kefir is, in addi­tion to all the won­der­ful ben­e­fits you will reap when con­sum­ing this ever so fab­u­lous health tonic. 
What is Young Coconut Kefir? Before we delve into what young coconut kefir is, we feel it’s impor­tant for you to know what kefir is. Kefir, is a nat­ural pro­bi­otic drink which is full of ben­e­fi­cial bac­te­ria that helps assist in diges­tion, helps sup­port your immune sys­tem and helps keep your gut flora bal­anced. Kefir typ­i­cally is made with a dairy base, usu­ally from goat, cow or sheep’s milk, and is then fer­mented using kefir grains. Dur­ing the fer­men­ta­tion process the sug­ars are con­verted into ben­e­fi­cial pro­bi­otics, cre­at­ing a health tonic that not only will encour­age opti­mal gut health, but also will sup­ply your body with an abun­dance of ben­e­fi­cial nutri­ents and enzymes. Young coconut kefir (also known as yck) is not dairy based and is an ideal alter­na­tive for those who have a hard time with reg­u­lar kefir due to an intol­er­ance to casein (milk pro­tein found in some dairy) or to dairy as a whole.
Made from the juice, or coconut water, of young, green coconuts, yck is dairy and gluten free, is low in sugar, low in calo­ries and is fat free. It is made via the same fer­men­ta­tion process as reg­u­lar milk kefir, except the liq­uid base is dif­fer­ent and you would need to use water kefir grains instead of milk kefir grains. Also boast­ing a potent pro­bi­otic pro­file, like milk kefir, yck has the diges­tive enzymes and other nutri­ents, in addi­tion to the min­er­als and hydrat­ing ben­e­fits that you would get from con­sum­ing reg­u­lar coconut water. Can you say “win-win”??
What are the health ben­e­fits of young coconut kefir? Ok, so now that you know what young coconut kefir is, it’s impor­tant for you to know why we pro­mote this bub­bly pro­bi­otic drink. Below is a list of why you might want to con­sider incor­po­rat­ing young coconut kefir into your daily routine.
  • More potent and nat­ural source of live pro­bi­otics, ver­sus freeze dried
  • Pop­u­lates your entire diges­tive tract, which runs from your mouth to your rectum
  • Nat­ural source of enzymes, vit­a­mins and minerals
  • Aides and improves diges­tion and absorp­tion of vit­a­mins and minerals
  • Has a cleans­ing effect on the endocrine system
  • Has a cleans­ing effect on the liver
  • Helps to bat­tle candida
  • Reduc­tion in sugar cravings
  • Increase in energy
  • Glow­ing skin and healthy hair
  • Immune enhance­ment
  • Improved absorp­tion of nutrients
  • More effi­cient metabolism
With all those rea­sons listed above and with the sim­ple fact that  80% of your immune sys­tem resid­ing in your gut, we hope you will con­sider sup­port­ing your diges­tive tract with a potent and nat­ural source of pro­bi­otics by means of young coconut kefir, or another fer­mented food. In hopes of facil­i­tat­ing that, here’s a young coconut kefir recipe to help you get on your way. Good luck and let us know if you have any ques­tions, com­ment or concerns!
Coconut Water Kefir
(1) TBSP water  kefir grains
  • You can buy those here:
(3) Young Thai Coconuts — You will need the coconut water from these. These coconuts have a hard green exte­rior OR a softer white exte­rior, not to be con­fused with the mature coconuts with the brown exterior.
  • Com­bine the water kefir grains and the coconut water in a clean and ster­ile jar – stir lightly with a clean spoon.
  • Seal jar securely with a lid.
  • Let sit for up to 48 hours at room tem­per­a­ture and out of the sun or direct light.
  • Your kefir should be fizzy — (Tip: The longer you leave the more sour it will get.)
  • Strain the kefir grains from the coconut water when it fits your taste.
  • Pre­serve the kefir grains for another batch (keep in a sealed con­tainer in the fridge).
  • Refrig­er­ate in a sealed con­tainer and enjoy, or see below for a sec­ond fer­men­ta­tion phase if you want to add flavors.
Adding fla­vors…
Coconut water kefir
1/2 to 1 cup juice of your choice
  • Com­bine the coconut kefir and juice in a jar and again seal with a lid.
  • Let to stand at room tem­per­a­ture for 48 hours.
  • After 48 hours your kefir should be bub­bly, due to the fer­men­ta­tion process.
  • Refrig­er­ate in a sealed con­tainer and enjoy!
Coconut kefir is an absolutely excel­lent source of pro­bi­otics, and is a sta­ple in our ProBal­ance 7 Day Cleanse that’s designed to cure can­dida, help you detox­ify your body, lose weight, increase energy, boost your immune sys­tem, and much more.
Find out more about our cleanse at

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