
September 18, 2013

Homemade Probiotic Dijon Mustard Recipe

With grocery prices increasing a bottle of Dijon mustard is typically $3.99-$10.00 but you can make 3 times the amount for less than $5. Not too mention the dangerous hidden additives that are usually included in store bought condiments. Plus, you can make the mustard fermented, which includes health benefits that cannot be found in commercial brands. Making your own homemade mustard is very easy and cost effective and is a great start to making your own healthy homemade products.
-1/4 cup of brown mustard seeds
-1/4 cup of yellow mustard seeds
-2 cloves of garlic
-1/3 cup of filtered water
-2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar
-1 teaspoon of salt
-2 tablespoons of whey
-Juice of a small lemon
First I let the seeds soak overnight and then drained them. Soaking seeds, nuts and grains before cooking allows for the production of numerous beneficial enzymes that contain many vitamins. The soaking process also breaks down difficult to digest proteins into simpler components, which are easier for the body to absorb.
Add all the ingredients into the food processor or blender and blend. Pour the mixture into a bottle. If you do not wish to ferment your mustard you can put it in the fridge now. But if you want to add some health benefits to improve digestion and boost the immune system then cover the jar with paper towel or cheesecloth and a rubber band.
Let it sit on your counter for 3 days. You will begin to see bubbles in the mixture and will see a yellowish liquid at the bottom of the mixture within 24 hours. Hooray! That is a sign of healthy fermenting. Your mustard is making beneficial probiotics to boost the immune system and balance the body! After the 3rd day you can remove the paper towel/cheesecloth and mix up the mustard, place in the fridge and -Viola! You have homemade Dijon mustard without any additives and with a healthy probiotic kick! So simple!

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