
July 19, 2013

Benefits of drinking water kefir and using it on your skin

Drinking Water Kefir can help you to achieve your optimal health, strengthen your immune system, and help to prevent diseases of all kinds. Most importantly, it restores good digestion - the key to health and longevity. When your body is out of balance, unfriendly opportunistic bacteria and yeasts can take over - producing irritable and bad digestion, food allergies, headaches, flu, skin rashes, and other more serious disorders. Water kefir is something you and your family can drink and use on your skin every day.

  • Inhibits the growth of unfriendly bacteria and yeasts, and helps beneficial probiotic microorganisms to colonise and thrive in your digestive tract, and throughout the test of the body (skin, eyes, bladder, vagina, nose, throat, etc).
  • Contributes to a healthy immune system.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Helps with the digestion of food and micronutrients. The KEY for health and longevity is good digestion, and a balance of good bacteria are the essential starting point.
  • Heals, or reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS) including bloating, indigestion, flatulence,diarrhoea/constipation, nausea, low energy, muscle aches and pains.
  • Heals intestinal dysbiosis and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth).
  • Increased energy and overall feeling of good health.
  • Can stop unhealthy food cravings, especially for sugars and sweet foods.
  • Skin complexion and overall condition improves. Brown liver spots / age spots can fade, as can skin tags, moles, warts etc. It can ease or cure many skin conditions, such as psoriasiseczema and acne.
  • Hair and nails look healthier, and are strengthened and improved.
  • Liver cleansing, as in traditional Chinese medicine, thus easing aches and joint pains, and benefiting the eyes.
  • Glandular ( endocrine) system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries) benefits. Women have healthier periods, some women have periods start again after early menopause.
  • A tranquillising effect on the nervous system has helped many who suffer from sleep disorders and insomniadepression, ADHD and autism.


  1. The health benefits of taking probiotics will vary from one product to another. Each strain of beneficial bacteria affects the body in a highly specific way.

    Most probiotics lead to massive improvements in gastrointestinal health. They improve the absorption of nutrients, reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel disease (IBS) and ulcerative colitis, regulate bowel movements and reduce gut permeability. exclusive probiotics website

  2. These treatment methods have no negative effects and it is professionally done by a licensed specialist. All these modalities are excellent and effective that definitely supports you until you get well. arbys for diabetics
